1. Reviewing previous research
2. Comprehension check

Reviewing previous research (Move 1, Step 4)

Read this topic to find out how to write a brief review of other studies on your topic. Then check your comprehension of all Move 1 topics you have studied by now by doing self-check comprehension activities in the next tab.

Move 1 often ends with a preliminary and rather brief review of key findings from previous studies on the topic so only the most relevant information from key studies is included. The primary aim of this step is to place the present study in the context of related studies and raise the reader’s awareness of what research has been done in connection to the problem and what still has to be done. It also serves to demonstrate the author’s knowledge of key research findings in connection to the topic and add credibility to any background information, definitional clarifications, etc. A more comprehensive review of previous research is normally reserved for the subsequent section of a research proposal known as the “Literature Review” (see the Literature Review module).

Depending on specific institutional requirements, this part of an Introduction can span a few sentences to several paragraphs. The cited studies are referred to either as groups or single studies, with a focus often being placed on specific authors and their “achievements.” Evaluative statements are made to interpret the meaning of reported findings in relation to the present study’s problem, although this does not have to apply to every single study cited.


Here are two extracts from the Introduction section of a research article in the field of business. 

Extract 1

If instead multiway clustering is nonnested, the existing approach is to specify a multiway error components model with iid errors. Moulton (1986) considered clustering due to grouping of three regressors (schooling, age, and weeks worked) in a cross-section log earnings regression. Davis (2002) modeled film attendance data clustered by film, theater, and time and provided a quite general way to implement feasible GLS even with clustering in many dimensions. These models impose strong assumptions, including homoscedasticity and errors equicorrelated within cluster (Cameron et al., 2011).

What kind of statement is made in the last sentence? What purpose does it pursue?

Extract 2

Controlling for clustering can be very important, as failure to do so can lead to massively under-estimated standard errors and consequent over-rejection using standard hypothesis tests. Moulton (1986, 1990) demonstrated that this problem arose in a much wider range of settings than had been appreciated by microeconometricians. More recently Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004) and Kezdi (2004) emphasized that with state–year panel or repeated cross-section data, clustering can be present even after including state and year effects and valid inference requires controlling for clustering within state. These articles, like most previous analyses, focus on one-way clustering (Cameron et al., 2011).

Where does the author place his/her emphasis in these two extracts: on what specific authors did in single studies or on generalizing findings to a group of studies?  

Below are more extracts from research studies in the fields of economics and political science. Note that the focus is now on the studies and specific findings rather than on what specific authors did. See the bolded parts of the text.

  1. Some public health studies focus on particular policy adoptions and impacts, especially the work-place smoking ban (references). (Studlar, 2015) (Political Science).
  2. Recent empirical work takes into account a number of contemporary aspects that were formerly critically received (references). (Lippert at al., 2009) (Economics) 
  3. For instance, many studies produce evidence that the presence of democratic institutions increases the likelihood of terrorist targeting, while others show that democracy diminishes the prospects of such violence. (Foster, Braithwaite, & Sobek, 2013) (Political Science)

Where is the author’s focus in these three examples: on what specific authors did in single studies or on generalizing the findings to a group of studies?  

See this section in the Literature Review module to learn about the kind of language that is used to refer the reader to previous research on a topic. 


Task 1
Task 2

Distinguishing between Move 1 steps in Introductions

Read the extracts (1 to 4)  from Introductions to research articles in the fields of economics, management, and marketing. Match the extracts to the steps by dragging them into the spaces.

Text 1 (Source: Anand, S., Vidyarhi, P.R., Liden, R., & Rousseau, D. (2010). Good citizens in poor-quality relationships: idiosyncratic deals as a substitute for relationship quality. The Academy of Management Journal, 53(5), 970–988.)
Idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) are individually bargained employment arrangements intended to benefit both worker and organization.
Exploring the advantages of i-deals is increasingly important as organizations become more flexible in designing employment conditions, a trend likely to continue, given the demand for flexibility from younger workers.
I-deals vary according to what recipients seek and employers are willing to grant.
As Greenberg and some scientists point out in their study, i-deals have the potential to create perceptions of unfairness among co-workers (Greenberg, Roberge, Ho, & Rousseau, 2004).
Clarifying definitions
Showing the importance of the topic
Providing background information or facts
Reviewing previous research
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 2 (Source: Alodayni, S. (2016). Oil prices, credit risks in banking systems, and macro-financial linkages across GCC oil exporters. International Journal of Financial Studies, 4(4), 23.)
While the macroeconomic consequences of low oil prices on oil exporting economies are well documented, the impact of the oil price slump on financial stability has not received as much attention.
This paper aims to explore the impact of oil prices on GCC banks’ balance sheets and assess how oil price shock propagates within the macroeconomy. The first objective of this paper is to assess the oil price shock transmission channels, along with other macroeconomic shocks, to GCC banks’ balance sheets.
The recent 2014–2015 oil price slump has negatively affected the macroeconomic performance of oil exporting economies and their banking systems. With the current global macroeconomic conditions, international oil markets could enter a sustained period of low oil prices.
Providing background information
Indicating a research gap
Stating the study's purpose
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 3 (Source: Tharenou, P., & Caulfield, N. (2010). Will I stay or will I go? Explaining repatriation by self-initiated expatriates. Academy of Management Journal, 53(5), 1009–1028.)
A great deal of research has been conducted into the repatriation of company-assigned expatriates, especially into company repatriation policies and expatriates’ post-entry adjustment, unmet expectations, and job turnover.
The world has become one large employment pool for professionals, who increasingly initiate and finance their own expatriation seeking lucrative work opportunities created by a shortage of professionals.
Self-initiated expatriates relocate to a country of their choice to seek a job or to try an entrepreneurial venture, often with no definite time frame in mind (Harrison et al., 2004; Suutari & Brewster, 2000).
Self-initiated expatriates are professionals who choose to expatriate and who are not transferred by their employer.
Showing the importance of the topic
Clarifying definitions
Providing background information or facts
Reviewing previous research
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 4 (Source: Ittersum, K. V., Pennings, J. M., & Wansink, B. (2010). Trying harder and doing worse: How grocery shoppers track in-store spending. Journal of Marketing, 74(2), 90–104.)
The current state of affairs suggests that nearly one in three U.S. households must carefully plan its budgets and spend accordingly.
Consumer welfare refers to the individual benefits derived from the consumption of goods and services.
Heath and Soil indicated in 1996 that inaccurate estimates could have notable implications for both consumer welfare and retail performance.
Budget allocation and spending behavior models often implicitly assume that shoppers with budgets are knowledgeable about the total price of their shopping baskets as they shop (Benabou & Tirole, 2004; Ulkumen, Thomas, & Morwitz, 2008).
Reviewing previous research
Clarifying definitions
Showing the importance of the topic
Providing background information or facts
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.

Text reconstruction (Move 1 steps in Introductions)

Read the extracts (1 to 4) from several Introductions to research articles in the fields of marketing and management. The sentences in each extract are not presented in the correct order. Put the jumbled sentences in the correct order based on the plan below. Drag the sentences around in the box.   

Text 1 (Source: Vinerean, S. (2016). Branding strategies for social media marketing. Expert Journal of Marketing, 4(2), 77–83.)

1. Showing topic importance
2. Providing background information
3. Reviewing previous research
4. Clarifying definitions
In a previous academic paper, the term ‘Digital Inbound Marketing’ (DIM) was described as a new academic concept in online marketing literature, as “the process of reaching and converting qualified consumers by creating and pursuing organic tactics in online settings” (Opreana & Vinerean, 2015). In this paper, DIM was examined according to the three main components and online strategies associated with …
Currently, there is general understanding that digital media have affected the way a brand connects with a consumer.
Digital media include all the electronic media that disseminate any form of information in digital formats (Smith, 2011) and the most prominent setting for digital marketing is the internet. Digital advertising represents a “form of promotion that uses the Internet for the express purpose of delivering marketing messages” (Smith, 2011).
Recent studies have focused on the prospective of pull or digital inbound marketing that explores how consumers actively seek out brands that provide engaging and valuable content which is relevant to their needs (Halligan & Shah, 2010) …
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 2 (Source: Gupta, V., & Turban, D. (2012). Evaluation of new business ideas: Do gender stereotypes play a role? Journal of Managerial Issues, 24(2), 140–156.)

1. Showing the importance of the topic
2. Clarifying definitions
3. Reviewing previous research
In recent years, researchers have given considerable attention to investigating the nature of new venture evaluation.
New venture evaluation is the process through which ideas for potentially profitable new business ventures are assessed (Baron & Ensley, 2006; Chen et al., 2009).
Research on evaluating new venture ideas has added greatly to understanding this aspect of the entrepreneurial process by providing evidence that new venture ideas often are assessed under conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity in which clearly defined rules for making judgments and decisions are rarely found (Baron et al., 2006; Kickul et al., 2009).
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 3 (Source: Fu, F.Q., Richards, K.A., Hughes, D. E., & Jones, E. (2010). Motivating salespeople to sell new products: The relative influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy. Journal of Marketing, 74(6), 61–76.)

1. Showing the importance of the topic
2. Providing background information or facts
3. Reviewing previous research
Indeed, new products are critical to a firm’s ongoing sustainability, although they are often costly and fraught with risk.
Product innovation has become increasingly important as a means for competitive advantage, sustainable growth, and financial success in today’s ultracompetitive business environment (Pauwels et al., 2004; Sorescu & Spanjol, 2008).
New product development has been identified as one of three core business processes and an important driver of shareholder value (Srivastava, Shervani, & Fahey, 1999).
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Text 4 (Source: Guerrero, S., & Seguin, M. (2012). Motivational drivers of non-executive directors, cooperation, and engagement in board roles. Journal of Managerial Issues, 24(1), 61–77.)

1. Showing the importance of the topic ("board roles")
2. Providing background information or facts
3. Reviewing previous research
Non-executive directors (or outsiders) represent the interests of the organization’s owners, and as such, hold the responsibility to make executive directors accountable for their policies and activities, they are assigned to the board to ensure that executives, actions as well as decisions taken on the board promote organizational success.
However, as research suggests, non-executives’ role is not limited to controlling and monitoring the board; non-executives are also expected to provide advice and build external relationships (Hillman & Dalziel, 2003), so that their roles are perceived as critical to ensure board effectiveness.
It has been recognized that organizations should benefit from active boards with non-executive directors who cooperate and engage in board roles, rather than simply acting as rubberstamps (Gabrielsson & Winlund, 2000; Roberts et al., 2005; Zattoni & Cuomo, 2010; Zhang, 2010).
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.