Interpreting findings means the author has to provide his/ her own commentary or an explanation about:
The author's own evaluation of other works' value can be either:
Here are some common language structures that are used to interpret a study's findings and make conclusions about their value.
To avoid sounding overly confident when interpreting others’ and one’s own (!) claims and contributions, more suggestive or ‘cautious’ language structures known as hedges are used. These can signal various degrees of certainty about the accuracy or trustworthiness of the author’s findings and conclusions and are an effective way to tone down the strength of possibly erroneous claims and interpretations. This is especially important when exploring topics where there are few or no definitive answers as to the nature of certain processes. For example, in disciplines such as psychology or healthcare, some authors tend to rely on a frequent use of hedges to make their language more suggestive rather than definitive.
Here are some examples of hedges:
Modal verbs | may, might, can, could, would, should |
Other verbs | appear (to), seem (to), tend (to), contribute, believe, suppose, assume, presume, indicate, suggest, believe, doubt |
Nouns | possibility, probability, likelihood, tendency, assumption, claim, suggestion |
Adjectives |
possible, likely, unlikely, most, potential |
Adverbs | perhaps, possibly, probably, potentially, likely, somewhat, largely, mostly, clearly, conceivably, certainly, evidently, arguably, apparently, reasonably, relatively, supposedly, hypothetically, approximately |
'That' clauses |
There is a possibility that... It is likely/ unlikely that... It might be assumed/ suggested that… It could be the case that… It may be possible that... |
The following linking words of similarity and contrast are often used to compare and contrast findings from multiple sources:
To show similarity: also, similarly, likewise, like + author's name, following + author's name
To show contrast: unlike, in contrast to, contrary to, while/ whereas, although.