1. Presenting justification
2. Comprehension check

Presenting justification for the present study (optional) (Move 2, Step 3)

This topic focuses on how to emphasize the need for another study after you have identified a gap. Complete follow-up comprehension activities to recycle what you’ve learnt in this and the previous two units (move 2 steps).

After pointing out the gap(s) that need to be addressed, some authors would often conclude with a statement which explains why the present study has to be undertaken. This is often done to make a stronger claim for why the proposed study is important and to prepare the ground for introducing the study.


Here are some examples of “justification claims.” Note the use of linking words, thus and therefore, which are commonly employed to emphasize a result or a consequence of something:

  1. Therefore, it would be useful to construct and analyze a model in which …
  2. It thus seems usefulworthwhile to generalize the previous approach to this more general case.
  3. Thus/ thereforefurther research is needed on X.
  4. Thus/ therefore, it is of interest to examine/ compare 
  5. Thus/ thereforethe study of X merits further attention.
  6. Therefore, exploration of this topic presents a worthwhile research avenueseems a worthwhile pursuit.
Task 1
Task 2

Distinguishing between Move 2 steps in Introductions

Read short extracts from several Introductions to research articles in the field of management. Match the extracts to the steps by dragging them into the spaces:

However, due to the limited number of studies focused specifically on issue selling, the results leave many questions yet to be explored. (Source: Bishop, Simsarian, & O’Neill, 2011)
Do consumers’ responses to product risk disclosures vary depending on the media context in which the product risk message appears? (Source: Cox et al., 2010)
This study will offer a way to address the gap in current OB/HR (organizational behavior/human resources) research by investigating the relationship between i-deals and OCB in the context of multiple work place relationships. (Source: Anand et al., 2010)
Indicating a research gap or needs
Question raising
Presenting justification for the present study
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Research has not presented a quantitative measure of issue-selling moves. (Source: Bishop, Simsarian, & O’Neill, 2011)
Yet, despite the importance of understanding how shop person predetermined budgets might estimate the total price of their shopping baskets, it remains largely unclear whether, when, and how they keep track of in-store spending. (Source: Pennings & Wansink, 2016)
Given that ample theory and empirical examples exist pertaining to the role actor attributes and/or behavior play in network dynamics, we feel more consideration for actor heterogeneity is necessary. (Source: Prell & Lo, 2016)
Indicating a research gap or needs
Question raising
Presenting justification for the present study
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Many models of risky decision making suggest that consumers will (or should) give considerable weight to both severity and likelihood and that these two factors should be combined in forming global product evaluations. Do these models accurately describe consumer evaluations of advertised risk disclosures? (Source: Cox et al., 2010)
Yet we feel that models can still be extended to more aptly reflect sociological thinking. (Source: Prell & Lo, 2016)
In particular, little research has focused on the sales force, one of the most pivotal contributors to the success of a new business-to-business product. (Source: Fu et al., 2016)
Indicating a research gap or needs
Question raising
Presenting justification for the present study
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.

Text reconstruction (Move 2 steps in Introductions)

Read an extract from an Introduction to a research article in the field of economics. Put the jumbled sentences in the correct order based on the plan. Drag the sentences around in the box:

1. Indicating a research gap or needs
2. Question raising
3. Presenting justification for the present study

Source: Beyer, R., & Smets, F. (2015). Labour market adjustments and migration in Europe and the United States: How different? Economic Policy, 30(84), 643-682.
Is this timeframe enough to find the differences in economy responses?
Decressin and Fatas (1995) applied the methodology of Blanchard and Katz (1992) to compare regional labour market adjustment in Europe and the United States only over the period of 13 years.
We have a much longer sample of 38 years. This allows us to investigate the robustness of Decressin and Fatas’s findings and, more importantly, whether the adjustment process has changed over time.
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.