1. Stating the purpose and RQ(s)
2. Comprehension check
3. Language focus
4. Language activities

Stating the purpose and RQ(s) (Move 3, Step 1)

This topic focuses on how to state your study’s purpose and research questions as you go on to introduce your own project. Check your comprehension of the topic by doing self-check comprehension activities in the next tab.  

Stating the study’s purpose

Once the research gap has been identified, it is time for the author to introduce the proposed study. This is usually done by stating the study’s general purpose or explaining what it seeks to do to address the research gap.


Here are some examples of “purpose statements” found in research articles and proposals:

  1. In this study, we propose and illustrate a framework for high-frequency business conditions assessment (Aruoba, Diebold, & Scotti, 2008) (Business) .
  2. The purpose of this research is twofold. Our first motivation is to propose a new analytical strategy to explicitly account for the endogeneity of any adaptation measure to climate. Our second motivation is to assess the extent to which modelling adaptation explicitly affects the partial effects of the climatic attributes (Chatzopoulos & Lippert, 2015) (Economics).
  3. This paper aims to offer a new perspective on green technologies and innovations’ influence on SCM (references) in order to achieve a better understanding of strategies and policies designed to deal with the emerging challenges in … (Cosimato & Troisi, 2015) (Economics) .

What language do the authors use to announce the purpose of their studies?

Research questions

As is the case with most journal articles, the statement of the purpose is often followed by the formulation of the so-called research questions (RQs)statements (1-5) in the form of questions that allow the author to define the focus of the study and capture the specific (and novel!) points that call for examination. Formulating RQs is often believed to be one of the key initial steps in a research project, a step that will guide the research process. However, they can be adjusted as the project evolves and new, often unexpected, findings emerge.

Writing effective RQs may pose a challenge to novice researchers. RQs should be narrow and specific enough to be answerable under the current conditions. If too broad or complex (e.g., “What is the effect of technology on Russian citizens’ voting patterns”?), RQs can disorient the writer as to what the focus of the study is, where to begin the research, what methods and procedures to employ, and how to interpret the findings. Such questions may never get to be answered, as it will be quite difficult to conduct appropriate research without first identifying what kind of technology is implied, what time period is involved, what percentage of the Russian voters we are thinking about, how to access voting data, etc.?


Extract 1

The purpose of this study is to explore how the use of specific text variables may contribute to different perceptions of a speaker in English-language CMC. I also want to explore the possibility that text cues can contribute to perceptions of other personal characteristics such as race, internet use, and education level. To this aim, this study will address the following research questions:

  • How do subjects perceive speakers’ age, gender, and other characteristics according to use of standard or nonstandard orthographic features?
  • Are some orthographic features more salient than others?
  • Does speaker presumed age or gender make a difference as to subjects’ perceptions of textual variation?  (LIN.G1.06.2, MICUSP) (Applied Linguistics)

Extract 2

We further deemed it useful to explore what difference there might be dependent upon the proficiency level of the writer. Hence our research questions were: 1) What kinds of unguided feedback in English do Taiwanese university students give in online response to English compositions by unknown peers mediated by a Web 2.0 resource? 2) Is their feedback different depending on the level of writing proficiency exhibited in the compositions? (Chwo, 2015) (Applied Linguistics)

Extract 3

Specifically, the study focuses on the following research questions: 1) How do L2 students engage in the collaborative writing process using Web-based word processing tools? 2) What is the nature of group participation in Web-based collaborative writing? (Kessler et al., 2012) (Applied Linguistics).

If you have identified your research gap at this stage, how would you formulate your study's purpose and initial research questions?

Stating the purpose & RQs: Comprehension check

Choose the most suitable option for each of these statements (1 to 4):

1. In most cases, the study’s purpose is introduced:
2. Research questions are:
3. Research questions normally:
4. Which of the following is true of effective research questions:

Language for presenting the study's purpose or nature

This section will take you through typical language that is used to talk about the purpose or nature of your study. We encourage you to complete follow-up language activities in the next tab to have more practice with target vocabulary from this section. 

Here are a number of ways to introduce the purpose or nature of the present study. Note the frequent use of I/We pronouns and the Present/ Future Simple tenses. In most cases, purpose statements tend to take the active voice, as shown below:

  • This study addresses the (research) gap/ the above questions by examining …
  • The present study analyzesexploresevaluates (the effects of … on…) / focuses on …/ measurespresents a model/ tests a hypothesis.
  • The aim/ purpose of this proposal/ study is to investigate the potential for/ propose and illustrate a framework for… / review levels of … / advance an understanding of …
  • Our study’s aim is to find out what factors …
  • To this end, in this study we propose to expand the scope of ...
  • This research aimsseekssets out to … (examine/ explain/ determine …)
  • In this proposal, I provide a preliminary investigation of …
  • In this study, I shall address the problem of/ show/ discuss …
  • In this study, we aim at contributing to this debate by analyzing …
  • In this study, we present an analysis of ….
  • In this study, we attempt to expand the model …
  • In this study, we extend this line of research by examining …
  • In the present study, we describe a novel approach to … / present a system/ attempt to develop …
  • In this study, the potential effects of … arewill be assessed in terms of …


Below is a list of verbs used to state the nature or purpose of the proposed study. These verbs follow different patterns, as shown below:

Verb + Object Verb + Infinitive Verb + That + Clause















focus (on)











aim to (BUT: “aim at” + V-ing)

attempt to

propose to

seek to

set out to






















Verb & noun collocations

Here are some common verb and noun collocations used to state the purpose or objectives of the present study:

analyze a model, the association (between), the effect (of), the potential (for)
assess the impact (of), the importance (of), the rate (of)
compare changes (in), the influence (of), the share (of)
calculate the index (for), the rate (of), the share (of)
consider an approach, an increase/decrease (in), the amount/ number (of)
determine the conditions, the parameter(s), the relation (between)
estimate the frequency (of), the relationship (between), the value (of)
examine the level (of), the measures (of), the question (of)
expand the coverage (of), the model, the set (of)
propose a framework (for), a mechanism (for), a model (for)
provide an analysis (of), evidence (of/ that …), a measure (of)
test the idea (that), the hypothesis, the implications (of)


  • In this study, we construct and analyze a game model in which a waste regulator and a waste generator interact among themselves and the optimal value of the regulatory threshold W emerges endogenously from this interaction.
  • We set out to compare changes in outcomes in regions of the country where Medicare had a larger effect on the percentage of the elderly with health insurance to areas where it had less of an effect.
  • One way to do it is to calculate the share of album sales occurring in May to September.
  • We consider a differences-in-differences approach and compare the share of summer sales in the period prior to file sharing (the control group) with sales following the introduction of file sharing (the treatment group).
  • In this paper, we examine the impact of financial development on the poor by estimating the relationship between finance and changes in both income distribution and poverty levels.
  • Allowing mixed strategy Nash equilibria may expand the set of implementable value functions.


A number of nouns are commonly used when describing the objectives of the study: aim, goal, objective, purpose, intention, motivation (the reason for doing smth), rationale (for):

  • My intention is not to add another ethnographic case study to the existing anthropological arsenal of knowledge but, rather, to venture outside the discipline to explore …
  • Our motivation in this study is to show how our moral judgments are mediated by an appraisal system that takes into account the causal and intentional properties of human action.
  • Because part of our rationale for the study is to expand previous literature on goal orientations in physical education, we will be using a simultaneous approach to investigate ...
  • In this way, the goal has been to define the linguistic complexity of phonological structure; that is, what is it about the structure of language per se that is complex?

Nouns & adjectives 

Below are some common noun and adjective collocations that are employed to describe the purpose, aim(s) or objectives of the study:













this proposal/ study



Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5

Verb & noun collocations I

Choose the verb that collocates best with the nouns:

1. As well as highlighting the performance and diversification benefits of retail property, this research has an analysis of the role of retail property type.
2. To overcome the conceptual limitation of Wolf’s original classification, I a network model that focuses on social relations.
3. To our hypothesis regarding the negative effects of the vertical dimension of decentralization, we consider a number of factors in the host country.
4. This method will allow us to the value of Mills ratio for each observation.
5. A quantitative study would be necessary in order to generalize the results of the present research and to the impact of probability factors.
6. We will a broader approach to these problems in our future publications.
7. More studies are needed to the hierarchical relationships among such complex categories, and to their implications for language learning.
8. An alternative strategy will be proposed in order to participants’ level of speaking anxiety.

Verb & noun collocations II

Translate the Russian sentences (1 to 8) by putting the English words in the correct order. Drag the words into the space provided:

1. Первостепенная цель этого проекта – продвижение льготных планов компании.
benefit plans
first and primary
this project
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
2. Цель этого исследования заключается в определении реальных образовательных результатов от использования в учебном процессе видеоигр.
learning process
video games
real learning gains
this study
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
3. Наше исследование преследует три цели.
our paper
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
4. Одной из главных целей данного исследования было определить потенциал анализа (достижений учащихся) по результатам деятельности.
this study
to identify
major goal
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
5. Основной задачей этой работы является обобщение текущих методов измерения потребительской способности.
consumer power
to provide
principal objective
measurement techniques
this work
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
6. Главной целью этих исследований было изучение особенностей поведения детей во время их взаимодействия (друг с другом).
these studies
to examine
child interactions
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
7. Моей задачей является развитие экономической теории применительно к вопросам проблемам социальных различий.
economic theory
social difference
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
8. Целью нашего исследования явилось обогащение уже существующих знаний по проблеме путем изучения новых бизнес-моделей для стран с развивающейся экономикой.
to expand
business models
our rationale
current knowledge
for the study
emerging economies
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.

Use of tenses

Choose the most suitable verb form: present simple, present perfect, past simple, or present perfect continuous:

In recent times, the role of logistic services according to globalization demands and the emerging market conditions. In fact, Green Logistic an increasing appeal also in academic debate (Dekker et al., 2012; Murphy & Poist, 2000; Srivastava, 2007;), nevertheless its real application is quite difficult because of its inner features and correlation with modern transport systems. This paper to offer a new perspective on green technologies and innovations’ influence on SCM. To assess the influence of green technologies on SCM, the study also to compare the results of literature review with those emerging from DHL case study.

Source: Cosimato, S., & Troisi, O. (2015). Green supply chain management: Practices and tools for logistics competitiveness and sustainability. The DHL case study. The TQM Journal, 27(2), 256–276.

Use of forms

Choose the most suitable form:

Globalization worldwide organizations to balance their economic and environmental performances a concrete sustainable development. In today’s environmentally centered world, logistics to put into action advanced programs based on technological and organizational improvement, in order to gain or maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper to investigate how logistics organizations are trying the recent ecological challenges and the role that the emergent green technologies in making them finally green and competitive. Over the last decades, green supply chain management (GSCM) practices to better understand their influence on economic performance and corporate competitiveness.

Source: Sakchutchawan, S., Hong, P., Callaway, S., & Kunnathur, A. (2011). Innovation and competitive advantage: Model and implementation for global logistics. International Business Research, 4(3), 10–21.

Use of tenses II

Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form (active or passive). Type your answers in each gap:

Globalization (to lead) worldwide organizations (to balance) their economic and environmental performances in order to achieve a concrete sustainable development. In an environmentally centered world, logistics (to call) to put into action advanced programs based on technological and organizational improvement, in order to gain or maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper (to be) to investigate how logistics organizations (to try) to face the recent ecological challenges and the role that the emergent green technologies (to play) in making them finally green and competitive. Over the last decades, green supply chain management (GSCM) practices (to investigate) to better understand their influence on economic performance and corporate competitiveness.

Source: Sakchutchawan, S., Hong, P., Callaway, S., & Kunnathur, A. (2011). Innovation and competitive advantage: Model and implementation for global logistics. International Business Research, 4(3), 10–21.