Here are some basic rules to keep in mind when compiling a reference list.
Abedi, J., Courtney, M., Mirocha, L., Leon, S., & Goldberg, J. (2001a). Language accommodation for large-scale assessment in science. Los Angeles, CA: University of California, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Abedi, J., Hofstetter, C., Baker, E., & Lord, C. (2001b). NAEP math performance and test accommodations: Interactions with student language background (CSE Tech. Rep. No. 536). Los Angeles, CA: University of California, Center for the Study of Evaluation/ National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Agresti, A. (2002). Categorical data analysis (2nd ed). New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Bernardini, S. (2004). Corpora in the classroom: An overview and some reflections on future developments. In J. McH. Sinclair (Ed.), How to use corpora in language teaching (pp. 15–36). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Boulton, A. (2010). Data-driven learning: Taking the computer out of the equation. Language Learning, 60(3), 534–572.
Cotos, E. (2014). Enhancing writing pedagogy with learner corpus data. ReCALL, 26(2), 202–224.