The APA Guide (6th ed.)
1. Foreign book (format)
2. Basic rules
3. Activities

Book in a foreign language

Author(s). (Year). Title of the book in a foreign language in Latin characters [English translation of the title]. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.


Salter, A. (1998). Politica mondiale [World politics]. Rome: The Independent Institute.


Kang, U. (1990). Wŏnyung kwa chohwa: Han’guk kodae chogaksa ŭi wŏlli [Synthesis and harmony: Principle of the history of ancient Korean sculpture]. Seoul: Yŏrhwadang.


Hao, C. (1998). Tang houqi wudai Songchu Dunhuang sengni de shehui shenghuo [The social existence of monks and nuns in Dunhuang during the late Tang, Five Dynasties and early Song]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe.


Abe, Y. & Kaneko, H. (1983).  Saigo no "Nihonjin" : Asakawa Kan'Ichi no shōgai [The last 'Japanese': Life of Kan'ichi Asakawa]. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.

Basic rules

Gromyko, A., & Nosov, M. (2015). Evropeyskii Soyuz v poiske globalnoi roli: Politika, ekonomika, bezopasnost [European Union in search of global role: Policy, economy, security]. Moscow: Ves Mir.

The same rules apply to books in a foreign language as to a typical print book, except that:

  1. the authors' names, the title of the book, and the name of the publisher are transliterated (spelled using Latin letters) if the book was originally written in a language using a non-Latin alphabet such as Russian, Arabic or Chinese
  2. no comma (" , ") is used after the transliterated title of the book
  3. English translation should be provided for the title of the book and the location of the publisher (city or city and country)
  4. the English translation of the title of the book immediately follows the transliterated title and is placed in parentheses (e.g., [European Union in search of global role: Policy, economy, security], as shown in the example above).
Task 1
Task 2

Reordering elements of a reference (foreign book)

Put the elements of foreign book references (1 to 3) in the correct order. Move the elements around in the space provided:

Dar Al-Thaqafah.
Najm, Y.
Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith
[The novel in modern Arabic literature].
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
& Labella, A.
Psicologia clinica: Dialoghi e confronti
Molinari, E.,
[Clinical psychology: Dialogue and confrontation].
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
[Strategic management].
Strategicheskiy menedzhment
Fatkhutdinov, R. A.
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.

Choosing the correct reference (foreign book)

Choose the correct reference from the options below: