The APA Guide (6th ed.)
1. Journal article
2. Basic rules
3. Many authors
4. Activities

Journal article

Author(s). (Year). Title of article. Name of Journal, Volume(issue) Number, pages. doi number.

Devenney, A. D. (2010). Joining Europe: Ireland, Scotland, and the Celtic response to European Integration, 1961-1975. Journal of British Studies, 49(1), 97–116.

Basic rules for a journal article (one author)

Gulbrandsen, M. (2011). Research institutes as hybrid organizations: Central challenges to their legitimacy. Policy Sciences, 44(3), 215–230. doi:10.1007/s11077-011-9128-4.

  1. start with the last author’s last name
  2. use a comma (" , ") and one space between the author's last name and the initial(s) (middle name initial is often omitted)
  3. give the year of publication in parentheses and then use a full stop (" . ")  
  4. give the title of the article (not italicized!) and then use a full stop
  5. if the title has two parts, capitalize the first letter in a word after a colon (" : ")
  6. give the name of the (print) journal in which the article was published in italics (e.g., Policy Sciences)
  7. give the volume number in italics (e.g., 44)
  8. if there is an issue number, place this number in parentheses immediately after the volume number without italics (e.g., 3) and any spaces -> 44(3)
  9. give the page range without using pp. and then use a full stop
  10. if the article has a digital object identifier, or DOI (a unique link to this article’s permanent location in the Internet assigned by the publishing journal, whether print or electronic), write doi, use a colon, and give the doi number starting with “10” (e.g., doi:10.1007/s11077-011-9128-4)*.

* In more recent formats, a DOI can start with a prefix instead of “doi” to make it look like a more traditional weblink (e.g., for the same doi as above).

Two authors

Eberlein, B., & Grande, E. (2005). Beyond delegation: Translational regulatory regimes and the EU regulatory state. Journal of European Public Policy, 12(1), 89–112. doi:10.1080/1350176042000311925.

The same rules apply to journal articles with two authors as to those with one author, except that:

  1. "&" (ampersand) is used to separate the two authors’ last names
  2. a comma (" , ") is used before the ampersand.

From three to six authors

Leviton, L. C., Khan, L. K., Rog, D., Dawkins, N., & Cotton, D. (2010). Evaluability assessment to improve public health policies, programs, and practices. Annual Review of Public Health, 31, 213–233.

The same rules apply to journal articles with three to six authors as to those with one author. However, one should not forget to:  

  1. include all authors' last names followed by initials
  2. use one space between the authors' first and middle name initials (where applicable)
  3. use commas  (" , ") before the last name of each author
  4. use a comma and the ampersand (“&”) before the last author's last name.

 More than six authors

Van Deurzen, P. A., Buitelaar, J. K., Brunnekreef, A., Ormel, J., Minderaa, R. B., Hartman, C.A., ... Slaats-Willemse, D. I. (2012). Response time variability and response inhibition predict affective problems in adolescent girls, not in boys: The TRAILS study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 21, 277–287.

The same rules apply to journal articles with more than six authors as to those with one author. However, one should not forget to:  

  1. write out only the first six authors’ names
  2. add a comma (" , ") after the sixth author's name and then an ellipsis (" ... ") to show that the subsequent authors, except the last one, are omitted
  3. add the last author’s name followed by initial(s) (even if that author happens to be the 20th author!).
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5

Reordering elements of a reference (journal article)

Put the elements of the references (1 to 7) in the correct order. Drag the elements around in the box:

ELT Journal,
Ellis, R.
A typology of written corrective feedback types.
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
Díaz-Negrillo, A.,
Error tagging systems for learner corpora.
& Fernández-Domínguez, J.
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
History and Theory,
Bann, S.
The odd man out: Historical narrative and the cinematic image.
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
& Behizadeh, N.
Epistemic iterations and consensus definitions of validity.
Measurement: Interdisciplinary research and perspectives,
Engelhard, G.,
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
International Journal of Security and its Applications ,
Wang, J., Zhang, Z., Xu, K., Yin, Y.,
A research on security and privacy issues for patient related data in medical organization system.
& Guo, P.
7 (4),
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
The adult retinal stem cell is a rare cell in the ciliary epithelium whose progeny can differentiate into photoreceptors.
Ballios, B. G., Clarke, L., Coles, B. L., Shoicet, M. S.,
& Van Der Kooy, D.
Biology Open,
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.
& Farley, D. O.
Damberg, C. L., Ridgely, M. S., Shaw, R., Meili, R. C., Sorbero, M. E. S., Bradley, L. A.,
Adopting information technology to drive improvements in patient safety: Lessons from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality health information technology grantees.
Health Services Research,
Note: Every hint in group field should be enclosed with curly braces.

Typing elements of a reference (journal article)

Type the elements of the references (1 to 4) in the correct order using the given prompts. Pretend to be using italics for the titles of articles and volume numbers:

Zhang, Z.
Journal of Popular Culture, 27(2),
A brief account of traditional Chinese festival customs.
Electronic mail versus printed text: The effects on recipients.
Interacting with Computers, 13,
Hill, K., & Monk, A. F.
Gowlett, J., Gamble, C., & Dunbar, R.
Current Anthropology, 53,
Human evolution and the archaeology of the social brain.
The role of the manager: What's really important in different management jobs.
Academy of Management Executive,
Kraut, A. I., Pedigo, P. R., McKenna, D. D., & Dunnette, M. D.

Choosing the correct reference (journal article)

Choose the correct reference from the options given below:


Typing a reference (a different format) (journal article)

Type the references (1 to 4) for the sources cited in a different format following the APA style. 

Important tip: Please TYPE the elements of the reference from the prompts instead of copypasting them into the space; otherwise, your answer will be taken for an incorrect one. Pretend to be using italics for italicized components of the given references:

APA reference:

Source: Adams, Kathleen. 1990. "Cultural Commoditization in Tana Toraja, Indonesia." Cultural survival quarterly 40(1):31–34.
APA reference:

Source: Halliday, Michael A. (1993) "Towards a Language-Based Theory of Learning." Linguistics and education 5(2): 93–116.
APA reference:

Source: Gass, Susan and Varonis, Evangeline. (1994). "Input, Interaction, and Second Language Production." Studies in second language acquisition 16(3): 283–302.
APA reference:

Source: Christiano, Lawrence and Eichenbaum, Martin. (2005). "Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy." Journal of political economy 113(1), 1-45.

Typing a full APA style reference (journal article)

Type the correct references (1 to 5) given the following information. 

Important tip: Please TYPE the elements of the reference from the prompts instead of copypasting them into the space; otherwise, your answer will be taken for an incorrect one. Pretend to be using italics for italicized components of the given references:

APA reference:

Author: C. King
Article title: The Scottish Play: Edinburgh's Quest for Independence and the Future of Separatism.
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 113-124
Volume number: 91
Issue number: 5
Journal name: Foreign Affairs.
APA reference:

Authors: 1) F. Ehsani, 2) E. Knodt
Article title: Speech Technology in Computer-Aided Language Learning: Strengths and Limitations of a new CALL Paradigm
Publication year: 1998
Pages: 45-60
Volume number: 2
Journal name: Language Learning & Technology.
APA reference:

Authors: 1) J. Bernstein, 2) A. Najmi, 3) F. Ehsani
Article title: Subarashii: Encounters in Japanese Spoken Language Education
Publication year: 1999
Pages: 361–384
Volume number: 16
Journal name: CALICO Journal.
APA reference:

Authors: 1) N. Gennaioli, 2) A. Shleifer, 3) R. W. Vishny
Article title: A Model of Shadow Banking
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1331-1363
Volume number: 68
Issue number: 4
Journal name: Journal of Finance.
APA reference:

Authors: 1) V. Almli, 2) T. Naes, 3) G. Enderli, 4) C. Sulmont-Rosse, 5) S. Issanchou, 6) M. Hersleth.
Article title: Consumers' Acceptance of Innovations in Traditional Cheese: A Comparative Study in France and Norway.
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 110-120
Volume number: 57
Journal name: Appetite.