The APA Guide (6th ed.)
1. Single volume
2. Several volumes
3. Single chapter

Single volume in a multivolume set

With an author (authors)

Author(s). (Year). Title of the book (Vol. No). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Sharma, U., & Sharma, S. K. (2000). Principles and theory of political science (Vol. 1). New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.

With an editor (editors)

Editor(s). (Eds.). (Year). Title of the book (Vol. No). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Gopinath, G., Helpman, E., & Rogoff, K. (Eds.). Handbook of international economics (1st ed., Vol. 4). Amsterdam: North Holland.

Basic rules

Most rules which apply to print books apply to volumes in series of books. However, one should not forget to:  

  1. use Vol. in parentheses to indicate the volume in a multivolume book set
  2. use Arabic numerals for volume numbers (e.g., Vol. 4)
  3. indicate the editor’s name instead of the author’s name when the volume is part of a collection of works selected and compiled by an editor
  4. indicate the edition (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) if the volume has multiple editions.

Several volumes in a multivolume set

Editor(s). (Eds.). (Year). Title of the book (Vols. range). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Cai, D. (Ed). (2010). Intercultural communication (Vols. 1–4). London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Basic rules

Most rules which apply to a single volume in series of books apply to multiple volumes. However, one should not forget to:  

  1. use Vols. (with a full stop) in parentheses to indicate the volumes in a multivolume book set
  2. use Arabic numerals for volume numbers in a range (e.g., Vols. 1–4)
  3. indicate the editor’s name instead of the author’s name when the volume is part of a collection of works.

Single chapter in a volume in a multivolume (edited) book

Author(s). (Year). Title of chapter in multivolume book. In Name(s) of editor(s) (Ed(s.)), Title of edited book (Vol. No, pages of chapter). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Woelfel, J., & Fink, E. (2010). Groups, organizations, and cultures. In D. Cai (Ed.), Intercultural communication (Vol. 1, pp. 180–198). London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Basic rules

Most rules which apply to a chapter in an edited book apply to a chapter in a volume in a multivolume book. However, one should not forget to:  

  1. indicate the name(s) of the chapter’s author(s)
  2. after indicating the title of the chapter (not in italics!), use In … to provide details about the edited book in which the chapter appears
  3. use Vols. (with a full stop) in parentheses to indicate the volume number in the book set
  4. use Arabic numerals for volume numbers
  5. give the page range using pp. instead of p. (e.g., pp. 180198).